Ayurveda – The Science of Life
WHO [the World Health Organisation] recognises Ayurveda as an ancient and holistic system of health care with texts said to be about 6000 years old.
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Understand how Ayurveda can help you!
WHO [the World Health Organisation] recognises Ayurveda as an ancient and holistic system of health care with texts said to be about 6000 years old.
The father of modern medicine, Hippocrates, said it himself: “All disease begins in the gut”. Gut health is buzz word at the moment. Here we
Sprouts are superfoods that you can easily include in your daily diet! Ayurvedic practitioners, nutritionists, and holistic health coaches highly recommend the power of sprouts
The sanskrit word for obstacle is antaraya, which means impediment, or “to come between”. Obstacles come in many shapes and sizes, both physical and mental.
Spring is so promising that after the cold season, we are all excited to open our windows and greet the sun! The flowers are starting