Eating and Consumption tips for wellness during the festive season. Best to be prepared! Here are a few tips on how you can prepare for this season.
1. If going for a party, snack healthy before you go. This way you will eat more food that you want to eat and less of what others want you to eat. Especially in a large gathering, people would not notice what are you eating or not eating.
2. Drink water or apple juice before, in between, and after your drinks if you can’t say no to alcohol.
3. Fill your plate with healthy appetisers such as salads, prawns, salmon, unsalted nuts, fruits, vegetables, salsa, whole grain chips and low-fat cheeses. Limit consumption of chips, dips, greasy finger foods, cakes, pies and pastries.
4. The weeks and months leading up to the silly season can be very stressful with pressure to meet deadlines at work and all the extra socialising.
5. It is important to take some time to decompress, have some time to yourself and unwind. Some suggestions include:
- get a massage
- attend a yoga class
- have a warm bath
- take a day trip to a beach or national park
- go for a movie with friends
- do a breath centred meditation
- start a journal
- learn how to play a new instrument
- cook a meal that you have been wanting to try and relax while doing it
- Stay hydrated
It can be difficult to stay properly hydrated with the warm weather and increased alcohol consumption. Keep an eye on your urine colour, if it’s dark you probably need to up your fluid intake. Some ideas:
- freshly made fruit juices (apple, celery and ginger is refreshing in the summer)
- coconut water
- warm lemon and honey water
- water
6. Of course this is THE time of year to indulge, so my only advice is to spend a bit extra on the best quality food that you will really enjoy and leave you feeling great, rather than overindulging and then feeling sick for days after.
7. Drink peppermint tea – it is cooling and helps digestion
8. Ask us about our detox tea – it is detoxing but also nice tasting!
9. Make sure you take time out for decent sleep
10. Key things – hydration, sleep, exercise, eat healthy, manage sugar cravings, reduced alcohol consumption – alcohol can be ZERO if you like, look after liver, look after digestion and detox or purge after Christmas to reduce load on digestion and body, forgive yourself and others, don’t flog yourself if you can’t do it all otherwise you are increasing emotional “toxic” load
11. Have some kind of healthy routine going throughout the season, even if it is at a reduced level from your normal
12. Be realistic and practical and don’t flog yourself!
13. Be kind to yourself
14. Careful planning, thoughtful decision making, staying motivated and disciplined, keeping the ability to look into your own eyes!
15. Look at substituting your favourite things for a cleaner version or recipe online if you are giving party – lots is available online these days eg fish grilled, not fried etc
16. Plan for binge – if eating more one day, then one purge after events are over, lots of aloe gel, and extra triphala for keeping you on track!